Chronic diarrhea, also known as intermittent constipation, is a condition wherein the person suffering from it does not normally have diarrhea
But he or she has occasional episodes of diarrhea accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
Chronic diarrhea is usually caused by various factors. What exactly is chronic diarrhea? It is common, less frequent, prolonged bowel movements lasting for more than a week. People who have IBS often have bowel pain that gets worse or better depending on bowel movements.
Some people experience this type of pain, while some may have it for weeks or even months. People suffering from functional IBS also have watery stool which get worse with fasting (e.g., not consuming food for a certain period of time). It could also be caused by a bacterial infection in the colon.
There are several medical conditions that can cause diarrhea. One of them is dehydration. Dehydration can be treated with laxatives, but it is always best to seek proper medical attention as soon as possible.
Chronic diarrhea also occurs when the body is unable to adapt to dietary changes. The body usually absorbs water, especially salt. Changing your diet, especially one that is high in sodium can lead to diarrhea. There is no known cure for this type of diarrhea.
Untreated food allergies can also cause diarrhea. This means that food you are allergic to can also cause diarrhea. Some people may be allergic to certain foods and never experience any side effects from food, but still suffer from diarrhea. This is called food sensitivity. Food sensitivity usually occurs when a person eats unfamiliar food.
Treating food sensitivities with medications, dietary changes, and re-eating foods can help treat diarrhea. If you have food allergies, it is best not to eat foods that cause diarrhea early in your symptoms. In most cases, food allergies are temporary; however, if you skip food for too long when symptoms appear, your body may stop digesting the food you eat.

Diarrhea caused by food allergies can be treated with medication and diet. Treatment may also include taking anti-allergic pills. or antihistamines.
Chronic diarrhea can also be caused by a bacterial infection in the intestinal tract. This can be easily cured by using an antibiotic. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat infections that occur inside the digestive tract. It is advised that people with this type of infection should see a doctor if they do not have an alternative treatment option available.
Chronic diarrhea can also occur because of another condition such as an intestinal obstruction. This means that a blockage occurs in the intestines or in the passage of food from the intestines to the body's bloodstream. This blockage can cause an obstruction in the passageway. This will cause increased pressure in the intestines, which will cause the diarrhea to become more frequent.
Treatment options for a blocked intestinal tract will vary depending on the cause of the obstruction. If the obstruction is caused by a blockage, there are different treatment options that may be needed to open up the blockage. If surgery is needed, the doctor may perform a laparoscopy to open the blocked passage and remove the obstruction. Another treatment that may be recommended is a combination of laxatives and oral medication.
If an obstruction is caused by food allergy, a change in the diet and a change in medication will be necessary. There is currently a dietary supplement that can treat an allergic reaction to food. Anti-allergic medications and dietary supplements can also be used in treating diarrhea caused by food allergies.
There is a theory in the medical community that a person suffering from diarrhea can also develop chronic diarrhea because he or she has a weakened immune system. Therefore, the immune system becomes weaker than normal. People with an under active immune system are susceptible to infections from bacteria and viruses. This can be treated with drugs that help fight these microorganisms.