Camp Fire Boys and Girls was founded in 1910 by
Luther and Charlotte Gulick as the first nonsectarian, interracial organization for girls in the United States.
These two authorities on health, recreation and
education wanted to provide girls with an opportunity
to enjoy outdoor activities and find pleasure in new challenges.
In 1975, national membership was expanded to
include boys. Headquartered in Kansas City,
Missouri, the nonprofit youth organization serves
more than 700,000 boys and girls nationwide
through 120 Councils in 38 states.
Camp Fire groups formed in Forest Grove and
the Portland area as early as 1911. Founded in
the early 1920s, the Washington County and Portland Councils merged in 1959 to serve Washington and Multnomah Counties. Girls began camping in 1921,
and boys first joined the Portland Area Council of
Camp Fire and attended Camp Namanu in 1979.